❶ kong drum 空鼓鋼舌鼓是哪個國家的樂器
來自烏克蘭的樂器steel tongue drum, tank drum or hank drum is a round steel slit/tongue drum originally fashioned from a propane tank.
A steel tongue drum is made from an empty (often 20 lb) propane tank. The tank is flipped over, the base cut/knocked off; and seven to ten tongues are cut radially into the bottom of the tank, forming the top of the instrument. The tongues can be tuned by the player by varying the length of the cuts. The steel tongue drum is often tuned to pentatonic scales but can be tuned to the diatonic scale, the chromatic scale, or any set of notes the maker chooses. The instrument is played with the fingers or with mallets. The tone is bell-like.
❷ 十大最冷門的樂器分別是哪些樂器
哨笛起源於中國的骨笛,11世紀傳入歐洲。15世紀愛爾蘭宮廷就有關於御用哨笛手的記載,哨笛有六個孔,俗稱6孔哨笛。 19世紀前頁,一個叫Clarke的人在曼徹斯特開辦了一個哨笛工廠,這是第一次哨笛以作坊生產的方式出現。