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⑴ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境主題曲中文


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《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立體電影,其靈感來自於英國童話大師劉易斯·卡羅爾的《愛麗斯漫遊仙境》和《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》。由蒂姆·波頓執導,米婭·華希科沃斯卡、約翰尼·德普、海倫娜·邦漢·卡特和安妮·海瑟薇等聯袂出演。影片於2010年3月26日在中國內地上映。


⑵ 誰能告訴我「愛麗絲夢遊仙境」的主題曲叫什麼名字

電影《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》下載觀看地址 http://www.byzhu.com/DVD/html/1207.html http://www.byzhu.com/DVD/html/1207.html 愛麗絲夢游奇境代表的是電影人蒂姆·波頓(Tim Burton)和約翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)的第7次大銀幕合作,影片的劇本則是由曾經為迪斯尼公司創作過美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast)和獅子王(The Lion King)的故事的編劇琳達·伍爾沃頓(Linda Woolverton)改編而成的,其靈感來源綜合了英國著名的童話大師劉易斯·卡洛爾(Lewis Carroll)的兩本小說愛麗斯漫遊仙境(Alices Adventures in Wonderland)和愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記(Through The Looking Glass,And What Alice Found There)。 構成了那個奇幻世界--「地下生活」的動物王國的居民的是一個讓人印象深刻的表演奇才的配音組合,他們中的很多人在此之前都曾與蒂姆·波頓有過合作,包括蒂莫西·斯波(Timothy Spall)、芭芭拉·溫莎(Barbara Windsor)、克里斯托弗·李(Christopher Lee)、麥克·辛(Michael Sheen)和諾亞·泰勒(Noah Taylor)。 面對這部由劉易斯·卡洛爾創作、曾經在這么多年來賦予無數部舞台劇、電視劇以及電影以靈感的小說--迪斯尼公司曾經在1951年以此為依據出品了一部倍受觀眾喜愛的動畫電影,波頓禁不住陷入了沉思,他承認道:「至少有一點是毫無疑問的,這個圍繞著小女孩愛麗絲所引發的童話故事,已經發展成為歷史文化的一個不可或缺的組成部分,在所有相關的領域里都占據著不可動搖的重要地位。不過單就大銀幕來說,我卻從沒有看到過一款自己真正喜歡的改編電影,裡面的故事永遠都是千篇一律地在講述一個被迫進入虛構的奇幻世界的小女孩,在一大堆古怪的生物和人物的陪伴下,不斷地四處徘徊、游盪,由此引發了一系列如夢如幻的歷險……正是基於這個原因,所以我才心甘情願地承擔起這部改編作品的製作,因為我一直都想為這個故事拍攝一部我真正喜歡的電影版本,從現有的內容里提煉出一些值得探討和擴充的觀點,然後再通過畫面賦予它們具體的形態,去深入了解一下原著擁有著靈魂卻從未曾觸及過的那一部分。」 混合並一體化了來自於劉易斯·卡洛爾圍繞著愛麗絲所創作的兩本小說的各類角色、故事元素和中心題材,蒂姆·波頓決定藉助著這部新版的愛麗絲夢游奇境講述的是一個全新的故事,米婭·華希科沃斯卡(Mia Wasikowska)飾演的愛麗絲再一次回到她還是個小女孩時、曾經誤闖進去的「仙境」,可是她對之前在這里有過的經歷和遭遇,卻已經完全沒有任何記憶了……而琳達·伍爾沃頓所創作的改編劇本真正吸引了波頓的注意力的地方就在於,這一次愛麗絲已經成長為一個19歲的大姑娘了,不僅跳脫出了原著的小女孩形象,而且也帶給人一種更加真實、更容易分辨的特色和表相,華希科沃斯卡解釋道:「每一個人對於愛麗絲這個角色都有著屬於自己的感覺和理解,所以對於我來說,在飾演她的過程中,最最重要的就是徹底地丟掉之前的包袱和先入為主的觀念,盡可能真實地讓她呈現出一個青春少女應該具有的嬌媚、多愁善感和心緒煩惱,同時還得保留住原著里有關於這個角色的一些基本層面的介紹。要知道,把曾經如此經典的人物和故事以一種全新的方式介紹給新一代的觀眾,真的是一次讓人感到異常興奮的親身體驗。」 【走進青春期的愛麗絲】 當愛麗絲第二次走進「仙境」,繼續展開一場最新的冒險之旅的時候,那個曾經害羞、忸怩、過分注重自己的感受的小姑娘,打從影片一開始,就已經轉變成一位擁有著強大的意志力、自信的年輕女孩,米婭?華希科沃斯卡繼續說:「故事開頭的部分,愛麗絲顯然對自己目前的狀況存在著一種難堪且不太舒服的感覺,所以她才會再一次走進了『仙境』,因為只有這樣她才能重新發現並找到那個真正的自我,同時也會明白,原來自己擁有著足夠的力量,能夠變得更加自信,值得擁有更加美好的一切。 電影《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》下載觀看地址 http://www.byzhu.com/DVD/html/1207.html http://www.byzhu.com/DVD/html/1207.html

⑶ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 歌曲

電影主題曲 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的原聲帶《Almost Alice》收錄了16首歌曲。其中片尾曲《Alice (Underground)》由艾薇兒譜寫、布奇-沃克爾(Butch Walker)製作。

⑷ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境主題曲什麼名字

Avril艾薇兒的《Alice in Wonderland》

Alice in Wonderland (Alice underground/Alice)
Tripping out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down
yeah, I fell down
I'm freaking out
So, where am I now?
Upside down
And I can't stop it now
It can't stop me now
oooh Oooooh Oooohhh
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - I won't cry
I found myself
In Wonderland
Get back on
My feet again
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand
Until the end
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - I won't cry
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - And I won't cry

1. Alice in Wonderland (Alice underground/Alice)
2. In a World of My Own
3. I'm Late
4. The Sailor's Hornpipe
5. The Caucus Race
6. How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands
7. The Walrus and the Carpenter
8. Old Father William
9. We'll Smoke the Blighter Out
10. All in the Golden Afternoon
11. A-E-I-O-U (The Caterpillar Song)
12. How Doth the Little Crocodile
13. 'Twas Brilling
14. The Unbirthday Song
15. Twinkle Twinkle
16. Very Good Advice
17. Painting the Roses Red
18. Who's Been Painting My Roses Red

⑸ <愛麗絲夢遊仙境>的主題曲和結尾曲分別是什麼

<愛麗絲夢遊仙境>主題曲是《Alice in Wonderland》,片尾曲是《Alice》。

1. 歌名:alice in wonderland
歌手:Avril Lavigne
Alice in Wonderland
How do you get to Wonderland
Over the hill or underland
Or just behind a tree
When clouds go rolling by
They roll away and leave the sky
Where is the land behind the eye
People cannot see
Where can you see
Where do the stars go
Where is the crescent moon
They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon
Alice in Wonderland
Where is the path to Wonderland
Over the hill or here or there
I wonder where

2. 歌名:Alice
歌手∶Avril Lavigne
Trippin out Spinning around
I'm underground I fell down
Yeah I fell down
I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now, oh oh
I,I, I'll get by
I,I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I,I, I won't cry
I'll play the game
but I can't stay
I've Got my head on straight
And I'm not gonna change
I'm not gonna change
I'll win the race
Keep up with the pace
today is the day
that I start to pray
You can't get it my way
I,I, I'll get by
I,I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I,I, I won't cry
I found myself in Wonderland
Got back on my feet, again
Is this real? Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end
I,I, I'll get by
I,I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I,I, and I won't cry

⑹ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境主題曲名字

Avril艾薇兒的《Alice in Wonderland》

Alice in Wonderland (Alice underground/Alice)
Tripping out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down
yeah, I fell down
I'm freaking out
So, where am I now?
Upside down
And I can't stop it now
It can't stop me now
oooh Oooooh Oooohhh
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - I won't cry
I found myself
In Wonderland
Get back on
My feet again
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand
Until the end
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - I won't cry
I - I'll get by
I - I'll survive
When the world's crushing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I - And I won't cry

1. Alice in Wonderland (Alice underground/Alice)
2. In a World of My Own
3. I'm Late
4. The Sailor's Hornpipe
5. The Caucus Race
6. How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands
7. The Walrus and the Carpenter
8. Old Father William
9. We'll Smoke the Blighter Out
10. All in the Golden Afternoon
11. A-E-I-O-U (The Caterpillar Song)
12. How Doth the Little Crocodile
13. 'Twas Brilling
14. The Unbirthday Song
15. Twinkle Twinkle
16. Very Good Advice
17. Painting the Roses Red
18. Who's Been Painting My Roses Red

⑺ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境的插曲是不是叫飛越彩虹

《愛麗絲夢游奇境》的電影主題曲是由Avril Lavigne演唱的《Alice》

「Almost Alice」是電影「愛麗絲夢游奇境」的原聲大碟,這張專輯收錄了包括艾薇兒新單曲在內的眾多歌曲,我們目前能聽到的是3OH!3 和 Neon Hitch合唱的專輯其中一首歌曲"Follow Me Down。有「搖滾小魔女」之稱的加拿大歌手艾薇兒加入。艾薇兒為電影創作了新歌「《Alice》(原定為Alice Underground)」該歌曲也是艾薇兒和她的御用製作人Butch Walker共同創作。據悉,該首歌曲的MV將會在今年2月份早些時候推出,該大碟在3月2日正式發行,名為「Almost Alice」相信「搖滾魔女」艾薇兒將會給電影增添一份活力。



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