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發布時間:2022-12-29 06:29:03

㈠ 求韓國電影《地鐵驚魂》主題曲《唯一記憶》韓文歌詞

到www.kugoo.com 下載酷狗音樂共享軟體裡面有很多音樂質料下載使聽很快!歌詞,歌譜全都有!

㈡ 求地鐵兄弟的所有歌曲下載


?pwd=fxml 提取碼:fxml
簡介: 地鐵兄弟 王爽,原名王京強,華語男歌手,原創音樂人,地鐵兄弟組合成員之一。

㈢ 求俄羅斯電影《地鐵》祈禱歌曲高潮部分,想下載作為手機鈴聲!謝謝!


㈣ 求地鐵等待可澤mp3下載


?pwd=wvxi 提取碼:wvxi
簡介: 《煙雨江南》為90後華語樂壇原創歌手可澤作詞作曲演唱的一首歌曲。歌詞由眾多詩句組合而成,帶有濃厚的中國風。

㈤ 韓國電影《地鐵》片尾曲歌名



片尾曲《Guns And People》(即使只是記憶)




㈥ 哪裡有韓國電影<<地鐵驚魂>>的主題曲的MV,謝謝了。


㈦ 法國電影《地鐵》(呂克·貝松)的主題曲是

《Guns And People》 Words & Music: Eric Serra & Corine Marienneau That night I waited too long For someone who wouldn't come Who would've made it home to me I went for a walk in the street Empty eyes and shady faces People hustling and people wandering And I just found that in their places The streets were not that frightening, no Guns don't kill people People kill people I said Guns don't kill people People kill people I said I left it all, went to the mall That led me to a noisy cafe And there she was, between two cups Sweet and amazing and lofty Just one glance and love, it hit me Felt like being in a movie Was she the one I was waiting for? A beauty, a blue-eyed killer, yeah This cruel world is such a mess I went back home to my loneliness It was too late, it was too late To go to sleep I think I might be tired And I try, I try to sing All I remember is that line Guns don't kill people People kill people Guns don't kill people People kill people I said guns don't kill people People kill people I said guns don't kill people It's people who kill people People kill people你進下面的網頁看看能不能聽或者下載… http://mp3bridge.com/zh/song/349808/Guns-And-People/

㈧ 求2003 年的 電影>地鐵驚魂 韓國 片尾曲 ,要 網址能 下載 的 或者 能傳 最好 急


㈨ 呂克貝松電影<<地鐵>>的片尾曲

呂克貝松電影 <地鐵的>片尾曲《Guns And People》

Words & Music: Eric Serra & Corine Marienneau

That night I waited too long
For someone who wouldn't come
Who would've made it home to me
I went for a walk in the street

Empty eyes and shady faces
People hustling and people wandering
And I just found that in their places
The streets were not that frightening, no

Guns don't kill people
People kill people
I said
Guns don't kill people
People kill people
I said

I left it all, went to the mall
That led me to a noisy cafe
And there she was, between two cups
Sweet and amazing and lofty

Just one glance and love, it hit me
Felt like being in a movie
Was she the one I was waiting for?
A beauty, a blue-eyed killer, yeah

This cruel world is such a mess
I went back home to my loneliness
It was too late, it was too late
To go to sleep
I think I might be tired
And I try, I try to sing
All I remember is that line

Guns don't kill people
People kill people
Guns don't kill people
People kill people
I said guns don't kill people
People kill people
I said guns don't kill people
It's people who kill people

People kill people

㈩ 電影<<地鐵>>里的插曲叫什麼名字


叫 地下鐵 預告曲

鏈接: http://mp3..com/m?f=ms&rn=&tn=mp3&ct=134217728&word=%B5%D8%CF%C2%CC%FA%D4%A4%B8%E6%C7%FA&lm=-1



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