㈠ 大家誰知道電影《黑鷹墜落》片尾曲《Minstrel Boy》的歌詞啊
The minstrel boy to the war is gone,吟遊少年死在了戰場上
In the ranks of death you'll find him;他帶著戰士的榮耀離去
His fathers sword he has girded on,父輩們的劍依舊掛在他的身上
And his wild harp slung behind him.他的豎琴和他躺在一起
"land of song!" said the warrior bard,勇敢的詩人吟唱著:祖國啊,
"though all the world betrays thee,哪怕全世界都背棄了你,
One sword at least thy rights shall guard,至少我們的劍永遠捍衛你
One faithful harp shall praise thee!您忠誠的豎琴永遠在歌頌你
The minstrel fell!吟遊少年倒下了
but the foeman's chain但是敵人的枷鎖
Could not bring that proud soul under;是鎖不住他靈魂深處的驕傲的
The harp he loved ne'er spoke again他深愛的豎琴再也不會被彈起
For he tore is chords asunder;因為他已經埋葬了它
And said "no chains shall sully thee,「沒有什麼枷鎖可以侮辱你
Thou soul of love and bravery!你的靈魂多情而勇敢
Thy songs were made for the pure and free,你為了聖潔和自由而歌唱
They shall never sound in slavery.歌聲不會在奴役中響起
㈡ 誰知道黑鷹墜落出發音樂的名字
Gortoz A Ran J'AttendsGortoz a ran是古老的布列塔尼亞語,J'attends是他的法語翻譯,法語直譯是「等待」,有人譯作「伺機而動」
Gortoz A Ran 由 Denez Prigent 和Lisa Gerrard 演唱,是影片《黑鷹計劃》的主題曲。
Gortozet 'm eus, gortozet pell
E skeud teval tourio gell
E skeud teval tourio gell
E skeud teval an tourio glav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav
C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav
Un deiz a vo 'teuio en-dro
Dreist ar morio, dreist ar maezio
Dreist ar maezio, dreist ar morio
D'am laerezh war an treujo
'Teuio en-dro karget a fru
E skeud teval an tourio
'Teuio en-dro an avel c'hlas
Da anala va c'halon c'hloaz't
Kaset e vin diouzh e anal
Pell gant ar red en ur vro all
Kaset e vin diouzh e alan
Pell gant ar red, hervez 'deus c'hoant
Hervez 'deus c'hoant pell eus ar bed
Etre ar mor hag ar stered
I'm Waiting
I was waiting, waiting for a long time
In the dark shadow of grey towers
In the dark shadow of grey towers
In the dark shadow of rain towers
You will see me waiting forever
You will see me waiting forever
One day it will come back
Over the seas, over the lands
Over the lands, over the seas
To steal me on the trunks
It will come back full of spray
In the dark shadow of the black towers
Will come back the blue wind
To breathe my wounded heart
I will be pulled away by its blow
Far away by its stream to another land
I will be pulled away by its breath
Far away by its stream, wherever it wants
Wherever it wants, far away from this world
Between the sea and the stars
㈢ 有誰知道電影黑鷹墜落片頭的那種伊斯蘭風格吟唱音樂叫什麼