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發布時間:2022-05-19 20:15:14

⑴ 小馬寶莉的片頭曲是什麼歌

片頭曲是《My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics》,歌詞如下
My Little Pony
My Little Pony
My Little Pony
I used to wonder what friendship could be
My Little Pony
Until you all shared its magic with me
Big adventure
Tons of fun
A beautiful heart
Faithfull and strong
Sharing kindness
It's an easy feat
And magic makes it all complete
You have My Little Pony
Did you know you're all my very best friends


My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
What is friendship all about?
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Friendship is magic!
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
When I was young I was too busy to make any friends.
Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends.
But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes
And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies.
And it's such a wonderful surprise.
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side,
Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy.
For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye,
A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by
And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie!
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time.
A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine.
We'll make it special every time!
We'll make it special every time!
(My Little Pony)
What a wonderful wonder friendship brings
(My Little Pony)
Do you know you're all my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends!

⑵ 小馬寶莉4大電影的主題曲中文名字是什麼






⑶ 小馬寶莉的片頭曲和片尾曲是什麼

片頭曲就叫《小馬寶莉主題曲》(「My Little Pony Theme Song」),片尾曲是主題曲的混音版

⑷ 小馬寶莉的主題曲是什麼

MLP Friendship is Magic 主題曲TV版 第二季~第四季
《 My Little Pony theme song 》(remastered version)

音樂:Daniel Ingram
歌詞:Lauren Faust
歌手:Rebecca Shoichet、Ashleigh Ball、Andrea Libman、Shannon Chan-Kent、Kazumi Evans
(Twilight Sparkle、Applejack/Rainbow Dash、Fluttershy、Pinkie Pie、Rarity)

[Backup singer]
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...

[Twilight Sparkle]
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness

[Twilight Sparkle]
It's an easy feat
And magic makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

MLP Friendship is Magic 主題曲 完整版

My Litte Pony Friendship is Magic Theme full

音樂:Daniel Ingram
歌詞:Lauren Faust、Daniel Ingram
歌手:Rebecca Shoichet 、Shannon Chan-Kent (backup vocals)
(Twilight Sparkle)


My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
What is friendship all about?
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Friendship is magic!

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.

(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

When I was young I was too busy to make any friends.
Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends.
But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes
And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies.
And it's such a wonderful surprise.

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.

(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side,
Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy.
For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye,
A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by
And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie!

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.

(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.

Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time.
A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine.
We'll make it special every time!
We'll make it special every time!

(My Little Pony)
What a wonderful wonder friendship brings

(My Little Pony)
Do you know you're all my very best

(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends!

⑸ 動畫片【小馬寶莉】主題曲歌名叫什麼

【My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics小馬寶莉之友誼魔法主題曲歌詞】
My Little Pony小馬寶莉
My Little Pony小馬寶莉
Ah... 啊...
My Little Pony小馬寶莉
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾經不知道什麼是友誼
My Little Pony小馬寶莉
Until you all shared its magic with me是你們與我分享它的魔力
Big adventure愛冒險
Tons of fun樂開懷
A beautiful heart心靈美麗
Faithfull and strong忠實堅強
Sharing kindness 助人為樂
It's an easy feat其實很容易
And magic makes it all complete 有魔法一切都沒有問題
You have My Little Pony這就是小馬寶莉
Did you know you're all my very best friends你們都是我最好的朋友

⑹ 《小馬寶莉大電影》的中文主題曲是誰演唱的



⑺ 小馬寶莉主題曲叫什麼

【My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics小馬寶莉之友誼魔法主題曲歌詞】My Little Pony小馬寶莉Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyricsMy Little Pony小馬寶莉Ah... 啊...My Little Pony小馬寶莉I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾經不知道什麼是友誼My Little Pony小馬寶莉Until you all shared its magic with me是你們與我分享它的魔力Big adventure愛冒險Tons of fun樂開懷A beautiful heart心靈美麗Faithfull and strong忠實堅強Sharing kindness 助人為樂It's an easy feat其實很容易And magic makes it all complete 有魔法一切都沒有問題You have My Little Pony這就是小馬寶莉Did you know you're all my very best friends你們都是我最好的朋友

⑻ 小馬寶莉大電影開頭曲和片尾曲是啥給我發過來

大電影第一季:My little pony theme
大電影第二季:Equestra Girls Rainbow Rocks
大電影第二季:Shine Like Rainbows

⑼ 小馬寶莉全集 大電影(海妖的歌)


閃爍如虹《Shine Like Rainbows》(結尾曲聽哭了,插畫太美了!就如整個電影結局一樣閃爍!)
耳中音樂《Music To My Ears》(建議低音炮播放)
彩虹搖滾《Rainbow Rocks》(主題曲很燃!不知為何南非世界盃即視感。。。)
搖尾巴《Shake Your Tail》(mv不錯,瞬間也想一起搖擺了!)

玄機在我袖子里《Tricksup My Sleeve》(傲嬌崔姐~講述自己的魅力~)ps:名字有些無厘頭···

極致玩樂的一天《Perfect Day For FUN》(講述表演前的緊張准備,mv很歡樂!)
開始戰斗《Let『s Have A Battle》(塞壬招牌歌充滿魔性,靈感取自美人魚迷惑水手的歌曲改編!)
永遠這么好《Better Than Never》(講述了電影1與電影2之間校園里的變化,是獨立mv)
我就是這么酷《Awesome As I Want To Be》(霸氣雲寶主場!你肯定也想再酷上20%!)
』聽我們的咒語『或『明白我們如何拼寫』《Under Our Spell》(講述塞壬如何用美妙歌聲控制人們,不要妄想從咒語解脫!)

歡迎來到秀場《Welcom To The Show》(講述塞壬吸收足夠的能量變身,而後半段用令人稱絕的無縫拼接旋律來插入彩虹音爆的反制魔咒,明明是同一旋律但能分明出兩種氣場,後半段還加入了大師姐的覺醒,可以說是電影中的第二高潮)


⑽ 小馬寶莉大電影2主題歌叫什麼

小馬寶莉大電影2《彩虹搖滾》的英文名字叫做《Rainbow Rocks》

所以,主題曲也叫做《Rainbow Rock》(彩虹搖滾)




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