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發布時間:2022-07-18 14:35:51

⑴ 關於雅思電影類的話題怎麼回答這里有一些問題 幫我回答一下 !!求助

基本上說一下你最喜歡的電影名字,它是什麼類型的電影,你看了它幾次,這是第1句。然後說說你喜歡小說還是其他類型的書或者電影(回答Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies?一般都說喜歡fiction,可以說你喜歡的電影就是有小說改遍的),接著用1到2句說一下電影的plot。然後用一句話說你不喜歡的電影類型(基本就是1到2類,你語速快就可以所說一點,語速慢就少說一點),接著解釋為什麼不喜歡,也就1-2句話。因為口語有時間限制,你要是每時間了就可以說自己不喜歡恐怖片也不太看(正好和上個問題一塊回答了),你要是時間很多,就可以說說為什麼喜歡恐怖片。最後說一下你一般多久去電影院看一次電影,多久租碟看看電影作為結尾。

⑵ 有關於雅思口語 電影和書的話題

Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?
Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I』m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.
Why do you like to watch films?
Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .
Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles』 emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.
What kind of films do you like?
I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity. I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the procer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!
Who is your favorite movie star?
My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She』s good at martial arts. She』s not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she』s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.
What』s the difference between American films and Chinese films?
I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.

⑶ 考雅思看什麼電影好


⑷ 請問雅思口語真題中有沒有關於電影的話題


⑸ 雅思 歐美電影


⑹ 考雅思必看電影

我擦 哪有固定的啊 你就挑你喜歡看的類型看就行了 比如我喜歡歐美的驚悚片 在准備雅思期間一共看了200多部 作用還是有的 我W6 S6 L7 R7

⑺ 求有益於雅思的(英音)電影和電視劇


《極限武力》(Ultimate Force)



主演:Lenny Henry, Lee Warburton, Sara Stephens, Valerie Lilley
年輕有魄力並充滿熱情的伊恩是當地最出色的校長之一,他本打算接受教育部的顧問一職,可當他在」希望「學校參觀時,他失望看到這所學校的校長歇斯底里的訓斥的學生,周圍沒有一點朝氣蓬勃、振奮人心的氣氛。他強烈的感受到這里的孩子們正渴望他的幫助。伊恩毅然決定接替原校長的職位,並開始施展他的整頓計劃。」希望 「學校位於經濟並不十分發達的地區,這所學校面臨關閉的境地已經很多年了。

⑻ 備考雅思的時候看哪些電影能對考試有所幫助呢













⑼ 關於雅思口語考試電影話題!

非常喜歡梅爾。吉普森的《勇敢的心》你挑幾段你看得懂的 看看這部電影是最重要的!
Set in the late 13th century, 'Braveheart' is the story of one of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces ring the first years of the long, ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule...

Crucially charismatic in the title role, Gibson plays the heroic figure and emerges as a remarkable hero with wit and romantic soul, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors...

Wallace's revolution was set in motion, with great obstacles from his countrymen... Many Scottish nobles lent him only grudging support as most of them were more concerned with wealth and titles than the freedom of the country... In fact, the Scottish leaders are in favor of revolt-or not-depending on English bribes... Wallace, by comparison, is a man of honor, incorruptible and righteous... He was knighted and proclaimed 'guardian and high protector of Scotland,' but as much as he railed against the Scottish nobles, submitted to Edward I, King of England, he was astonished and in shock to discover the treachery of the leading Scot contender for the throne—Robert, the Earl of Bruce—to whom he confided , 'The people would follow you, if you would only lead them.' Sophie Marceau is exquisite as the distressed princess Isabella of France who ends up falling in love with Wallace, warning him out of several traps...

Catherine McCormack is a stunning beauty who ignites Wallace's revolution...

Patrick McGoohan is chilling, brutal, and vicious as the ruthless Edward I, known by the nickname 'Longshanks.' This king remains simply the embodiment of evil...

While Angus McFadyen moves as a nobleman torn between his conscience and political aspiration, and Brendan Gleeson brings strength and humor to his role as the robust Hamish, David O'Hara is very effective as the crazy Irishman who provides much of the film's comic relief from even the most tensed moments...

Mel Gibson has reason to be proud of 'Braveheart.' It is a motion picture that dares to be excessive... Gibson presents passionately the most spaciously impressive battles (yet staged for films) even excessively, and it is his passion and excess that make the motion picture great... The horror and futility of massed hand-to-hand combats are exciting rather repulsive... It is epic film-making at its glorious best...

Gibson's 'Braveheart' focuses on the human side of Wallace, a character so immense, so intelligent, and so passionate, exploring the definitions of honor and nobility, pushing us to follow the hero into his struggle against injustice and oppression...

⑽ 電影 雅思口語 喜歡什麼類型的電影

I』m really into watching films because some films are very entertaining and provoking. I sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the weekends.

I go to cinema to watch movies from time to time. Normally if I』m not busy with my work, I』ll check out the movies to see whether there are any movies that attract me; but if I have lots of things on my hands, I』ll probably focus on my work.

It』s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to like watching movies in the cinema, but maybe for others, they just prefer stay at home and watch TV programmes.

The first film that I watched was the The Lion King many years ago in the cinema with my parents. What I can remember now is the terrific animation and the amazing soundtrack. I particularly liked the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that I knew it was proced by Elton John later. And I』d learned lessons from this movies. It was about living up to our responsibilities, no matter how hard it is.



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