① 電影愛國者的觀後感
② 愛國主義教育的電影觀後感100字
③ 電影<<愛國者>>講的什麼...
本片是梅爾 吉卜森主演又一部具有史詩背景的影片,創作人員陣容強大,劇本由《拯救大兵瑞恩》的編劇羅撥特?路戴執筆,導演則是《獨立日》《酷斯拉》的羅蘭德?伊馬利奇,是今年好萊塢的一部重頭大片。
影片在南北戰爭中的一些真實歷史事件的基礎上進行了藝術加工,其中男主人公本傑明?馬丁以及他的兒子等人物都在歷史上卻有其人。梅爾 吉卜森在片中飾演男主角本傑明?馬丁,一個美國獨立戰爭期間的英雄,早期曾經為殖民擴張而戰,後來對戰爭產生了厭惡,直到轟轟烈烈的美國南北戰爭的戰火燒到了家門口,才逼他又投身到了美國人民追求自由和民主的斗爭中。梅爾?吉卜森自己透露,原來他父親早年也是個反戰份子,因打過仗深知戰爭的慘烈,所以為了避免梅爾吉勃遜捲入越戰,才舉家遷往澳大利亞,因此在詮釋這一角色時自然有切身的體會。飾演梅爾吉勃遜的大兒子傑布列的是曾在《關於你的10件事》(10 Things I Hate About You)挑大樑的新星希斯萊傑(Heath Ledger)。
④ 電影《愛國者》的英文影評(200字左右)
Speaking of the "Patriot" movie, had to mention the American constitutional system and the founding spirit of democracy. See today, the U.S. constitutional system of democratic practice is more successful ~.
At that time a religious, self-control, sacrifice and dedication of the position under the U.S. founding fathers adopted the Jefferson's "separation of powers" (America's democracy, human rights, equal rights), and President Washington's "re-election does not more than twice "idea - is a democratic constitutional system with a high degree of religious belief in the morality of self-made democracy, it is a power of supervision and local autonomy is respected, the political system. The American spirit of freedom and democracy is now the world should also be a model of spiritual civilization and advanced representatives - perhaps this is the most humane spirit of the origin of it, because it highlights a "human spirit" of victory - and this is "personal heroism," the inevitable result.
This time, the "Patriot" is indeed completed a "Root asked the source" of the classical regression. Because the spirit of American freedom and democracy after all, is "personal heroism" nurture the soil.
First, it should be said, the film's screenplay written pretty good, with plenty of lyrical narrative plot to seize the audience's sympathy for justice. Is a typical "driven to revolt" type of story. Benjamin Martin colonel who was once the wounds of war, trying to make up the moral standards of the past to suppress themselves and their families, expect the war to neutral survival. But in the current war in the form below, any person who holds to this idea only alleys; Moreover, the influence of patriotism by the eldest son Jeb Rio has decided to join the army, father, like son. Thus the father and son made some foreshadowing later guerrilla organization. The guerrilla war is undoubtedly more than the film "heinous" in conventional warfare (read some of these subjects who shared the movie ~) more emphasis on teamwork, operational skills and flexibility. So, after another exciting chapter ..., Colonel Martin to a fight for peace, national independence and freedom of the war caused a sensation.
The film further reflected the spirit of American freedom and democracy, and below this is a reminder issued by the public mind with personal heroism. And "public spirit" is the Western liberal democracy. The heroine of this film, not only in silent support behind the front men of their families. This seems to highlight the most "personal heroism," a feature film, is always to highlight the role of women in male roles, and set off. ("True Lies" is an exception).
The only drawback is the film's soundtrack very plain, the melody of the film subject's response is not perfect. In addition, the film is how to obtain R-rating? Another question might be worth a little look. Here I will not say more ~. ^ _ ^
"Lang," said the film should be magnanimous. For me, though the film back to life would have been sufficient. However, the image behind the return of human nature is the most exciting and gives a revelation. To the guitar lessons when QUE teacher this semester so that we really view films intended to show it, this has caused a number of people thinking.
Hope that the times in the context of her once again been confirmed.谷歌了一份,很粗糙,你可以修改一下
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