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发布时间:2022-05-06 05:13:18

❶ 怎么利用dem纠正影像

启动ArcMap,新建一个新工程,右键Layers选择Add Data…添加TIF图像,将出现如下提示(如果提示无法加载rester data时请安装ArcGIS Desktop SP3补丁),单击Yes确定,加载图像后提示图像没有进行配准,确定然后配准图像。


在File菜单下打开Map Properties编辑地图属性,Data Source Options可设置保存地图文件的相对路径和绝对路径。(这里选择相对路径以确保将工程复制到其他机器可用)。


这里只找了4个点进行配置(可以找更多的点),从左到右从下到上,逆时针编号为1、2、3、4;在ArcMap中单击Georefercning工具条上的Add Control Ponit工具(先掉Auto Adjuest选项),添加4个点控制点。

然后编辑Link Table中的4个控制点的代表的公里数,然后单击“Georeferecning下拉菜单的Auto Adjuest”图像即进行校正这时可看到参差值这里是0.00175(Total RMS)非常小说明配准较为精确。单击Save按钮可将控制点信息保存到文件,单击Load按钮可从文件加载控制点坐标。

给校准后的地图选择适合的坐标系,右键Layers打开Properties对话框属性对话框选择投影坐标系,(Prokected Coordinate Systems)展开Predefined/ Prokected Coordinate Systems/Gauss Kruger/Beijing 1954下找Beijing 1954 GK Zone 20坐标系(高斯克里克投影20带无带号),单击确定保存工程;这时配准工作即完成,在状态栏就可以看到正确的坐标单位了。

❷ 谁有泰国电影《 yes or no》 的观看地址

1. Yes or no在泰国1月5号下映
2. 剧组会试着把电影推向国际市场,也就是在泰国之外上映,对于在中国内地上映,我不抱希望,港台的同学可以期待下
3. DVD在3月15日发行
4. yes or no续集会在今年(2011)年推出

❸ 关于尤里复仇一个新增加的建造核单位


❹ 泰国电影 YES OR NO在哪里可以看到

这个是网址你看吧 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM0MTE3NDIw.html
不过这个是 yes or no 整合版 中文字幕(非清晰) 高清的目前还没有

❺ 在哪能弄到泰国专辑dem crazy boyz的歌词

Like ohh better get em back watch dem niggas back
I hear dem boyz come'n derty
Like ohh better get em back watch dem bitches back
I hear dem boyz come'n(repeat 4x's)
[Verse 1: Nelly]
Who am I you ask me you know it's bout that grammar
From any state it don't matter, from here to Montana
From whit girls name Anna, to old ladies name Nanna
They hold'n up they banners, and run'n wit they cameras
Can I get a flick you damn right miss
(Can I take a hit) here boo like this
Chronic sticky like gum, I guess that's how it comes
Don't worry bout my funds, I play around it in one (Like ohh)
When you seen that hummer, but that was last summer
this year I'm more blunter
More up close and personal, it's just gon get worser now
From Prada to Vokal, the Tics are too versatile
Can't worry bout certain sounds, that come out these haters mouths
I realize they can't help it, just stay where you bow'n down
Some more you can't get these pounds, unless you gon smoke it now
If not I suggest you pack yo shit up and head out of town

[Verse 2: Murphy Lee]
They be like hold up, hold up, hold up I know that aint them man
Murp jersey on backwards wit ol' school Tim's and
Kyjuan got on so many colors just like a pimp
Nelly chain so long got him walk'n wit a limp
Ali is throw'n money in the front row
And er' body scream'n Slo Down but where the hell is slo of course
We be them up, close, live, and in person
Might look like the type that be rob'n them purses
But I aint I'm the yung de I be rhyme'n them verses
Worked hard since '93 that's how I got signed to Universal
Now the girlies take they thongs off
And it be crazy in the club when that Lunatic song go off
I be that pull up right beside you beat'n bad type of Tic
I'm a hold up traffic to touch her ass type of Tic
Lunatic, that's what I am that's what I said I am
I'm try'n to be a millionaire I bet I am, I bet I am
[Verse 3: Kyjuan]
It's dem boyz on dem porches in Air Forces read'n Sources
My choice is ol' school's over dem Rolls Royce's
Of course this Tic shit live like EA Sports is
Dribble in the club I lay up wit two draft choices
Ohh wee oh Lord, she don't want no more
Cutlass is four door, stash for the 4.4
Smokes 1 44, what dem o's go for (Like oh)
350 1 more, 350 stick'n the floor brand new bizare
smashes, g 's and c's all in my glasses
Tics fantastic we get booked more than matches
Imagine, me without those two headbands
Them Vokal t-shirts with some 8 class pants
Feel'n dapper like Dan yes fresh like Mannie
Cutlass candies sit down you know you can't stand me

[Verse 4: Ali]
Andy freeze all his fees, locks, stripy stocks, rocks in the watch
Big shorts, headband to a cross-jersey back Ross
That's that Mid-West talk, I think yo future boss Batter Up
Naw cough, and let you know Caprice Classic on these hoes
Ver big shows tell her best be on they toes
5 country grammar boys in bandana platinum no gold like (Oh)
That's what they say when I pull up on d's in that old Dr.J
Hold a v a, fat laces this world is rat races
Head'n back places but it still seem racist
Got locations so I haul off the wall off if you could fall off
Got a room at the Wada wit a saw that 'll take the wall off
Hit the mall off wit a sag hockey jersey -rag
Fitted still switch'n two different shoes starchy wit tags

Copyrights do not allow these lyrics to be displayed on the net.
You can support the artist by purchasing the sheet music.
A place to buy the lyrics would be SheetMusicPlus.com.

❻ 泰国电影yes or on完整版在那可以看得到

你好,我是一名忠实的泰国迷,从 0 8 年的《暹罗之恋》 ,到 09 年得《 初恋这件小事》《初三大四我爱你 》到如今一直期待的《 yes or no 》, 但是同作为泰迷的我想告诉你,《 yes or no 》是 2010 年12 月16 号泰国上映的。 被作为 16 + 等级的电影 ,于是你就要知道这三条: 第一, 近年来中国广电局对泰国的同性电影作品很抵触 ,对于《 yes or no 》是否会在中国被广电局封杀还是一回事 .... 第二, 即使没被封杀,我们要想等到有中文字幕完整版本的时候已经是2011 年的下半年左右 ,这点跟《 暹罗之恋 》很相像 ... 第三, 我下载了泰国电影偷渡器,为了迫不及待的看到 Tina 而下载的 ,可是,我后悔了 ,那粗制滥造的抢先版 ,没有中文字幕,画面晃动不已,于是我在播出 1 0 分钟的时候关掉了播放器,为了不破坏我心中的 Tina 的形象 综上三条: 所以我们要支持正版 ,为了心中的 Tina , 希望楼主与我一起等待....2011 年 5 月份左右就可以看到完整版的《yes or no》。。。 楼主记得给分啊 ,天冷打字好费力好痛苦的.... (另外补充一句:mv《 如果有一天你有勇气 》的内容跟电影《yes or no 》毫无关系,Tina 和小 p 是从高中认识的,小时候并不认识)


❼ Yes Or No 这一部电影 完整版 在什么地方 有的看




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