导航:首页 > 电影百科 > 许多人正在谈论那个电影用英语怎么说


发布时间:2024-06-28 03:59:29

① 三人谈论电影的英语情景对话,带翻译,每人4句

Ann:I wonder what's your favourite movie?
Jane:Transformer.I like the splendid scene and the spirit of the transformer in the movie.
Mary:James·Bond.You see both of the actors are charming.And the romance in it is very impressive.What about you,Ann?
Ann:Well.Cinderla.Because I admire the love story of the poor girl and the princess.
J:Shall we go to see a movie in the cinema tomorrow ? There are so many intersting movies right now.
M:I can't agree more!



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