导航:首页 > 电影百科 > 你之前在哪里买的电影票英文翻译


发布时间:2022-06-25 13:54:40

『壹』 电影票,用英文怎么说

您好,movie ticket.
希望以上信息可以帮到您,也欢迎登陆中票在线官网查询你喜欢明星的演出资讯:http://www.chinaticket.com :-D

『贰』 翻译成英文(注意是过去式):我三天前去电影院买电影票,当我到电影院时,发现电影票没有了,我离开了电

I went to the movie theatre to buy tickets 3 days ago. But I found no tickets left the time I arrived and left there with disappointment. Surprisingly, I got a phone call from my friend when I got home. He asked me to watch a movie with him because he had bought 2 tickets. How happy I was!

『叁』 假如你去大世界影城你可以在那很快买到电影票,英语

1.Ask:Where can I buy movie tickets?
2.Has come to the Fourth Street,you will find in the mall in front of you.
3 I write is a letter I sent to friends in the United States.
4.Visitors are interested in these works of art
5.If you wish to,please let me know.
6.Soon I look forward to receiving your letter

『肆』 怎麽用英文说买电影票

电影票:Hi, three student tickets for "Lovely Bones" at 7 o'clock please.

商场:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find ___?

KFC:..其实外国人也没有很特殊,照样是 Could you give me a pepsi and a chicken burger please. 或者大咧咧一点就 a pepsi and chicken burger please. 主要是把please放在后面。


LOL do you ever say that? "g'day mate?" You guys are so famous for it.

『伍』 电影票的英文,电影票的翻译,怎么用英语翻译电影票

cinema ticket
英 [ˈsinəmə ˈtikit] 美 [ˈsɪnəmə ˈtɪkɪt]
His birthday present is a cinema ticket.

『陆』 怎麽用英文说买电影票

buy a movie ticket

『柒』 买电影票的英文怎么冩

buy a movie ticket.这个是买一张电影票
要是多张的话就是buy movie tickets

『捌』 请问,我在哪儿能买到电影票的英文

Excuse me, where can I buy a film ticket please?

『玖』 英语翻译1.请问,我在哪儿能买到电影票

please tell me where can i get the movie ticket, thank you.

『拾』 买电影票的英文可以这样说吗

[网络] Buying Tickets for a Movie;
They queued up to buy tickets for the film.



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