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发布时间:2022-12-30 07:50:53

Ⅰ 电影《雨中情》中那段舞蹈属于什么舞蹈


《雨中曲》又名《万花嬉春》,由舞王金·凯利(Gene Kelly)自导自演,被公认为影史上最佳歌舞片。本片虽然没有在奥斯卡角逐中赢得任何奖项,但并不影响它在影迷心目中的崇高地位。尤其是金·凯利一个人在雨中边舞边唱的“雨中曲”(singing in the rain),更是歌舞片中的经典,呈现出好莱坞影片在歌舞片类型中所能有的最高水准。可以说影片在词曲与影物的水乳交溶、歌曲气氛与舞蹈技艺的相互辉映方面,已臻化境。

Ⅱ 请问谁有《Feelings in the rain》中文名《雨中情》的钢琴曲谱


Ⅲ 求电影 雨中情 的歌曲

Singin In The Rain(雨中曲
singin' in the rain

Fit as a fiddle
All I do is dream of you
beautiful girl
You were meant for me
You are my lucky star
Good morning
Singin' in the rain
Would you

Gene Kelly - ALL I DO IS DREAM OF YOU Lyrics

All I do the whole night through
Is dream of you
And with the dawn
I still go on dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You're every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too
All I do the whole day through
Is dream of you...
All I do is dream of you...
I keep dreamin' of you
You're every thought
You're everything
You're every song I ever sing
Summer, winter, autumn and spring.
And were there more
Than twenty-four hours a day,
They'd be spent in sweet content
Dreamin' away
When skies are gray
Skies are blue
Morning, noon and nighttime too,
All I do the whole day through.

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor - FIT AS A FIDDLE Lyrics

Don and Cosmo:
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
I can jump over the moon up above.
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

I haven't a worry, I haven't a care,
I feel like a feather that's floating on air,
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Soon all the church bells will be ringing
And I'll march with Ma and Pa.
All the church bells will be ringing,
With a hey naughty-knotty and a hotcha-cha darling.

Hi, diddle-diddle, my baby's OK,
Ask me a riddle, I'm waiting to say
Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!

Gene Kelly - YOU WERE MEANT TO ME Lyrics

Life was a song,
You came along
I've laid awake the whole night through
If I ever dared to think you'd care
This is what I'd say to you

You were meant for me
And I was meant for you
Nature patterned you
And when she was done
You were all the sweet things
Rolled up in one

You're like a plaintive melody
That never lets me free
But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

But I'm content
The angels must have sent you
And they meant you just for me...

MOSES Lyrics

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
A Rose is a rose
A Nose is a nose
A Toese is a toese

Hupibi! (ehehehehe)

Moses suposes his toeses are roses
But Moses supposes erroneously
And Moses, he knowses his toeses aren't roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be

"Would You?"
music by Nacio Herb Brown; lyrics by Arthur Freed
He holds her in his arms.
Would you? Would you?
He tells her of her charms.
Would you? Would you?
They met as you and I,
And they were only friends.
But before the story ends...
He'll kiss her with a sigh.
Would you? Would you?
And if the girl were I
Would you? Would you?
And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

And would you dare to say,
"Let's do the same as they."?
I Would. Would you?

Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor - GOOD MORNING Lyrics

Good mornin',
Good mornin'!
We've talked the whole night through,
Good mornin'
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good mornin' to you.
Good mornin', good mornin'!
It's great to stay up late,
Good mornin', good mornin' to you.
When the band began to play
The sun was shinin' bright.
Now the milkman's on his way,
It's too late to say goodnight.
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
So, good mornin', good mornin'!
Sunbeams will soon smile through,
Good mornin', good mornin', to you,
And you, and you, and you!
Good morning,
Good morning,
We've gabbed the whole night through.
Good morning, good morning to you.
Don & Cosmo:
Nothin' could be grander than to be in Louisiana
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
In the morning,
In the morning,
It's great to stay up late!
Good mornin',
Good mornin' to you.
Don & Cosmo:
It might be just a zippy
If you was in Mississipi!
When we left the movie show
The future wasn't bright
But tame is gone
The show goes on
And I don't wanna say good night
Don & Cosmo:
So say, Good Mornin'!
Good Mornin'!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Rainbow is shining through
Good Mornin'!
Don & Cosmo:
Good Mornin'!
Bon Jour!
Don & Cosmo:
Bon Jour!
Buenos Dias!
Don & Cosmo:
Buenos Dias!
Buon Giorno!
Don & Cosmo:
Buon Giorno!
Guten Morgen!
Don & Cosmo:
Guten Morgen!
Kathy, Don & Cosmo:
Good morning to you.

Waka laka laka wa
Waka laka laka wa...
Ole, toro, Bravo!

Ⅳ 美国老电影《雨中情》主题歌的歌词是什么啊

Singin' in the Rain





I'm singing in the rain,Just singing in the rain


What a glorious feeling,I'm happy again


I'm laughing at clouds,So dark up above


The sun's in my heart,And I'm ready for love


For love,Let the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the place


Come on with the rain,I've a smile on my face

来吧 和雨一起,我脸上带着笑容

I'll walk down the laneWith a happy refrain,Singing, singing in the rainIn the rain.


I'm singing in the rain,Just singing in the rain


What a glorious feeling,I'm happy again


I walk down the lane With a happy refrain,I'm singing


singing in the rain,In the rain


In the rain



《Singin' in the Rain》,它不但是音乐歌舞电影的杰作,也是一部介绍好莱坞影坛从默片时代转变为有声片时代的许多片厂趣闻的佳作。20年代末期好莱坞开始了有声电影,很多无声电影明星遭遇到声音考验,也产生了淘汰与幕后的掩饰工作。


参考资料来源:网络——Singin' in the Rain

Ⅳ 何国禧的主要事迹

1979年香港电台制作的电视剧“屋檐下”同名主题曲﹐可是除了熟悉这首歌曲外﹐对主唱人是何方神圣却不大了解。 同期还有一首西洋歌曲改编歌“遨游万里”﹐此首歌曲在70年代末被用作云丝顿香烟电视广告歌﹐广告版本由关正杰所唱,其后被改编为流行曲用作何国禧首张粤语专辑的主打歌。 那时因为香港宝丽金出版了一张老歌精选20 Original Everlasting Oldies﹐收录了King Of The Road﹐故笔者从中认识到此曲的原装版本。
其实早期的何国禧在丽风唱片旗下也出版过好几张单曲唱片﹐去年一位爱好音乐的朋友便曾推介他的一张1971年的“患难见真朋/吾生也有涯”的单曲﹐歌曲名称虽是中文﹐其实是西洋歌曲You've Got A Friend 及My Way。朋友认为他的声线比关正杰更低沉及厚实﹐可是自己就觉得他演唱感情比较生硬。 这张单曲由现今金牌经理人Pato Leung 梁柏涛监制的。
何国禧灌唱的粤语专辑不多﹐除了1979年的“遨游万里”外﹐两年后也在一张合辑中出版了3首歌曲﹐“小草”是电影主题曲﹐当年也有不错的播放率﹐但论受欢迎便要数与儿子何君乐合唱的“亲亲爹地” 了﹐此曲轻松温馨﹐多年来都成为一首不同年代乐迷赞口不绝的歌曲。
1983年何国禧签约Wea﹐发行了一张“灵犀一点通”后﹐便甚少听到他的歌曲了。 专辑中的主题歌曲成为专辑的主打歌﹐但令到笔者留下印象的﹐却是改编Rhythm Of The Rain的“雨中情”。记忆中他也曾为关正杰电视特辑中担任嘉实﹐最深刻是他俩合唱了Save Your Heart For Me。



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