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发布时间:2022-09-22 12:41:49

A. oppo R11 陈伟霆单独那个广告音乐歌名

OPPO R11背景音乐名为: I Am mine
I Am Mine-Brooke Waggoner
For the sorries, oh the sorries of your soul
They are the worries are the worries of my household
I hear the wind a howling swinging at my door
But at your house the weather's pleasant, nothing more
I am behind
I am behind
And nevermind
I will not pine
For I am mine
Oh the time is near for you to romance every boy
Well I am still a learning how to be coy
And you decided you would ecate me
While conversing over a nice spot a tea
I am behind
I am behind

B. oppor11主题曲陈伟霆一个人的那首歌曲叫什么是陈一个人广告的那首,

《I Am Mine》

For the sorries, oh the sorries of your soul
They are the worries are the worries of my household
I hear the wind a howling swinging at my door
But at your house the weather‘s pleasant, nothing more




C. OPPO R11陈伟霆单独拍的广告里面的背景音乐

歌名:I Am Mine

歌手:Brooke waggoner

I Am Mine-Brooke Waggoner

For the sorries, oh the sorries of your soul

They are the worries are the worries of my household

I hear the wind a howling swinging at my door

But at your house the weather's pleasant, nothing more

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

Oh the time is near for you to romance every boy

Well I am still a learning how to be coy

And you decided you would ecate me

While conversing over a nice spot a tea

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

And the flower pots are blooming full of golds

Tiny, lovely, little shiny, marigolds

And I suppose that I will never be exposed

To the love that blooms between those who chose

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine

I am behind

I am behind

And nevermind

I will not pine

For I am mine


Brooke Waggoner是一个来自英国的女钢琴演奏家。

这首歌发行于2007年EP的Fresh pair of eyes EP中。

D. 求oppoR11s微电影《周杰伦的2000w个故事》中周杰伦所弹奏的《最长的电影》的钢琴曲的谱子!


E. oppor11陈伟霆广告音乐是什么歌 oppo陈伟霆热巴新广告歌曲名字

OPPO R11陈伟霆热巴新广告音乐名为:I Am mine - Brooke waggoner。Brooke Waggoner是一个美国音乐钢琴才女,从四岁开始与钢琴为伴,作品吸收民谣与古典元素,又由弦乐伴奏,主要作品有Young Friend、Heal for the Honey。


①Brooke Waggoner从4岁开始便开始与钢琴为伴,8、9岁的时候开始创作自己的音乐作品,并在音乐学院完成学士学位,长期在外的表演,让他积累了大量的表演和创作经验,可谓是一个不折不扣的才女。




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