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发布时间:2022-07-21 01:41:13

① 二战电影英文版介绍

关于二战的优秀电影有很多,英文版网上很普遍,你可以自己找找看,下面推荐一些值得看的: 1、《战场》(Battleground)1949 导演:威廉·A·韦尔曼(William·A·Wellman) 描述第二次世界大战末期德军与美军在比利时的巴斯托涅镇(Bastogne)发生遭遇战的故事。当时,德军元帅冯德伦斯特企图在欧洲的西部战线进行最后一次大反扑,不料在巴斯涅镇被美国空降步兵师奋勇阻截下来。德军包围小镇,胁逼美军投降,但美军宁死不屈,终于获得最后胜利。此片最大特色是用了一批平凡的演员来饰演片中要角,编剧刻划个性鲜明,导演韦尔曼也拍得细腻,因此能生动地重现战时气氛。全片外景在欧洲西部高原拍摄,白云覆盖的天然美景和严寒气候,透过杰出的摄影更加强了戏剧张力。压轴的战争场面处理得十分紧凑刺激,堪称一流的战役电影。 2、《隆美尔传》(DesertFox)1951 导演:亨利·哈撒韦(HenryHathaway) 有“沙漠之狐”称号的艾尔温·隆美尔(Rommel)将军,是轴心国在北非战场的陆军元帅,他所率领的北非军团行兵如有神助,看似不可战胜,令同盟国备感困扰。在1942年6月的利比亚图卜鲁克(Tobruk)战役中,德军以15,000名的弱势俘虏了33,000名英军,令隆美尔声名大噪。英美同意联合进行北非大反攻,由英国陆军元帅蒙哥马利(Montgomery)率领比德军多五倍的坦克车于1943年5月在大沙漠进行摧毁性的决战。此时,隆美尔知道希特勒(Hilter)的气数已尽,个人无力可回天,乃返回德国,在联军保证其家人生命安全之下自杀殉国。詹姆斯.梅森演得出色感人,如今被公认为好莱坞最出色的战争英雄传记片之一。 3、《桂河大桥》(TheBridgeOnTheRiverKwai)1957 导演:戴维·里恩(DavidLean) 戴维·里恩执导的反战电影经典作,堪称影史上最出色的战争片之一。剧情描述在二次世界大战期间,英军上校尼柯逊率领的六百官兵在新加坡被俘,日军将他们运往缅甸丛林中的战俘营囚禁,并逼令他们在该营所在的桂河建筑一座桥梁,藉以接通曼谷与仰光之间的铁路运输。尼柯逊根据日内瓦条约坚拒军官从事劳动工作,不惜被单独囚禁暗室亦不屈服。营长斋藤大佐逼于无奈退了一步,让尼柯逊取回对手下的指挥权,岂料当英兵将桥筑好时,从战俘营逃出生天的美军少校希斯却奉命回来突击炸桥。全片制作严谨,剧力逼人而来,跟一般战俘逃亡电影不同一个层次。此片更曾获奥斯卡最佳影片、导演、男主角等七项大奖。 4、《最漫长的一天》(TheLongestDay)1962 导演:安德鲁·马顿(AndrewMarton) 美国电影史上制作规模最庞大的一部战争片,从盟军和德军双方面的角度同时描述诺曼底登陆此一历史战役的来龙去脉,以及双方在此期间的重要布局和反应,手法平实,场面逼真,恍如在观众眼前重现整个事件。并且粗中有细,无论决策的将军或登陆的士兵都写得栩栩如生,成绩相当难得。演员阵容亦属空前,网罗了多位在六十年代走红的一线巨星参与盛举。流行歌手保罗·安卡也演出了一个动人的角色,并为本片写了一首雄壮的主题曲。 5、《坦克大决战》(BattleOfTheBulge)1965 导演:肯·安纳金(KenAnnakin) 描述二次世界大战末期间盟军与德军的一场坦克大战,德军由罗伯特.肖饰演的希斯将军率领,企图在圣诞前夕对盟军作全面反击,但计划功败垂成,被亨利·方达饰演的凯晨将军发现,因而双方发生殊死战。原来的宽银幕电影颇能表现出这部巨制的战争气势,在小屏幕上欣赏当然会打点折扣。不过,导演肯·安纳金的叙事手法仍算流畅,加上一群老牌演员也演出卖力,使影片维持了相当的娱乐性。 6、《空军大战略》(BattleOfBritain)1969 导演:GuyHamilton 这部大型战争片由英国影坛精英空群出动拍摄而成,为重现他们祖国在二次世界大战期间的一段重要历史而卖力。影片以纪实戏剧的风格描写德国纳粹在1940年空袭英国人口密集的大都市,使英国损失惨重,但也激起了英国人民同仇敌忾对抗德国,尤其英军的飞行员更是争先上阵反攻不甘后人。片中战机盖天的空袭场面拍得十分壮观而逼真,效果震撼人心。在众多熠熠红星中,迈克尔.凯恩、肯尼思.莫尔占戏较多,饰演庞玛妻子的苏珊娜.玉则表现浪漫。此外,劳伦斯·奥立弗饰演战术高明的爵士令人印象深刻。 7、《巴顿将军》(Patton:LustforGlory)1970 导演:富兰克林·J·沙夫纳(FranklinJ.Schaffner) 影片一开场,画面填满了一面美国星条旗,身穿戎装的巴顿步上国旗前的讲台,正对镜头发表一篇《美国军人最伟大》的演说,一股名将气魄不言而喻。片中有一段争议颇大的场面,描述巴顿进伤兵医院巡视时掌掴懦弱士兵,其创作灵感应来自寇比力克的反战名片《光荣之路》(PathofGlory)。这部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳影片等七个大奖,但最佳男主角乔治·C·斯科特竟然公开拒绝了这项荣耀。他说他不是为了竞争奥斯卡奖而演出的,真是与巴顿个性如出一辙的一条硬汉。 8、《虎!虎!虎!》(Tora!Tora!Tora!)1970 导演:理查德·弗莱舍(RichardFleischer) 在二战结束后的四分之一个世纪,昔日的敌对双方:美国和爱猫扑,爱生活,终于可以平心静气地坐下来,用电影共同探讨触发这一场人类浩劫的原因。本片由美国与爱猫扑,爱生活电影界合拍,日方原想请大师黑泽明负责掌舵,后来日军部分的戏由深作欣二执导。全片从美日双方的发展状况同时呈现珍珠港事变的历史真相,以近似个案检讨的方式交代日军偷袭珍珠港之所以会成功的来龙去脉,故不像其它大型战争片那么富有戏剧性和冲击性,但严谨的制作可让观众了解历史,日机轰炸珍珠港的场面亦拍得逼真可观,曾获奥斯卡最佳特别效果奖。 9、《中途岛战役》(Midway)1976 导演:杰克·斯米特(JackSmight) 第二次世界大战分为东西方两大战场,好莱坞拍了很多以西方战线为背景的战争片,但是发生在东方战线的影片拍得很少,这部七十年代出品的大型战争片算是其中的代表作之一。本片的剧情焦点是美国与爱猫扑,爱生活海军对垒的中途岛战役。在当年的一批同类电影之中,以传统战争片风格处理的本片不算是很突出之作,编导刻意加入美国将军之子爱上爱猫扑,爱生活女孩的通俗剧情节也相对比较平庸,但超级明星阵容却可以令今天的观众重睹上一代巨星风采,而海战的场面也实在拍得逼真,使本片仍维持了相当的趣味性。 10、《拯救大兵瑞恩》(SavingPrivateRyan)1998 导演:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg) 斯皮尔伯格其实在此之前拍过好几部战争片,包括:《1941》、《太阳帝国》(EmpireoftheSun)、《辛德拉的名单》等,似乎他对二战历史始终情有独钟。此片描述的是1944年6月6日,英美盟军在诺曼底登陆。在这一天的进攻中,盟军总部发放阵亡通知单的工作人员发现:一家姓赖恩的有三兄弟都阵亡了,只剩小儿子瑞恩仍在欧洲大陆作战,万一也死了就会全家绝后。盟军司令马歇尔(Marshall)将军得知此情况,立刻下令派遣汤姆·汉克斯率领的一支小分队去法国战场搜救他。本片被认为是有史以来最逼真的战争片之一,美国电影协会则将其定为“极度渲染战争暴力片”。不过,许多二战老兵对影片却给予极高评价,称它是“最真实反映二战的影片”,尤其是片中全长26分钟的重现诺曼底登陆的壮观场面。 以上是从网络里找的,部分没看过。但是《巴顿将军》《拯救大兵瑞恩》《坦克大决战》都还是不错的,另外,推荐《辛德勒名单》,非常感人,虽然从真实度上要打一点折扣,还有《莫斯科保卫战》,最著名的一句二战影片台词:“苏联虽大,但我们已无路可退,因为身后就是莫斯科!”就出自此片,还有《帝国的毁灭》,罕见的以希特勒为主角,并且从德国方面反映二战的影片,很不错。最近上映的《刺杀希特勒》,怎么说,虽然被很多二战军迷诟病,但是个人认为还是可以一看的,因为起码里面没有为了吸引观众扯上隆美尔。。。 大致就是这么多,这些影片很有名,网上资源非常丰富,你可以自己找找。

② 介绍下二战背景的经典影片(英文)

England in June 1944. Unseasonal storms. Allied troops are massed ready for the invasion of France, some already on the boats. The Normandy beaches will be their destination while paratroopers are dropped inland to take key towns and bridges. On the other side of the Channel the Germans still expect the invasion at Calais, and anyway the weather makes them think nothing is likely to be imminent. Eisenhower decides to go. Hitler sleeps on.

The path to war in December 1941 is retold from the appointment of Isoroku Yamamoto to command the Imperial Japanese Navy on through the execution of his most ambitious and audacious plan - an attack by carrier aircraft on the US Navy station at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. As the Japanese First Air Fleet sorties to Hawaii, diplomatic efforts by both nations continue, but intercepts of Japanese diplomatic messages show Japan is practicing deception and planning aggression - but there is no clue as to where Japan will strike.

The summer of 1942 brought Naval stalemate to the Pacific as the American and Japanese fleets stood at even numbers each waiting for the other to begin a renewed offensive. "Midway" tells the story of this historic June battle where a Japanese carrier force, in an attempt to occupy Midway island and lure the American fleet to destruction, was meet valiently by US forces operating off of three aircraft carriers and numerous escort ships. It was the first battle in which naval air power was extensivly used, and at its conclusion the Japanese Carrier force had been completly destroyed which lead the way for the US 1943 and 44 offensives which would eventually bring the Pacific War to a close.

It is 1940, and the diabolical mind of Adolf Hitler is planning to bomb England into submission to his warped dreams of a 'Fortress Europe'. Standing between Britain's freedom & Hitler's terrifying plans is the R.A.F - dedicated pilots who took to the skies again & again in the face of overwhelming odds. The German Luftwaffe's planes outnumber the R.A.F's by more than 2 to 1 - 650 planes of the R.A.F. vs. 2,500 of the Luftwaffe! These odds. however, do not deplete the determination of the R.A.F. to stop Hitler, and as the Luftwaffe launches wave after wave of Heinkel 111 bombers against British cities, the R.A.F. responds, under the leadership of Air Vice Marshal Park (Howard) and Squadron Leaders Canfield (Caine) and Harvey (Plummer) who lead the newest pilots of the R.A.F. into confrontation after confrontation with the Luftwaffe's experienced veterans, with the aim of driving Hitler's forces away from Dover's white cliffs for good...

③ 用英文介绍一部二战的影片

movie information
Andrew Davis directed this exciting thriller starring Steven Seagal, sans ponytail, and featuring electric, over-the-top performances by Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones. This action saga takes place on the battleship USS Missouri, about to be decommissioned from service after a visit from George Bush. When Bush departs the vessel, a band of terrorists overcome the remaining skeleton crew and take over the ship, under the ruse of holding a surprise birthday party for the ship's commander, Captain Adams (Patrick O'Neal). The band is led by Strannix (Jones), a disgruntled ex-CIA operative, and his right-hand man, the psychotic Krill (Busey). The terrorists plan to steal the ship's store of nuclear warheads, transfer them to a stolen North Korean submarine, and sell them to a Middle Eastern country. Unfortunately for Strannix, he has overlooked the ship's cook, Casey Ryback (Seagal). Ryback is a much-honored Navy SEAL who, because of a minor scandal, is quietly completing his twenty-year tour in the galley of the Missouri. Forced into action, Ryback, along with the woman who jumped out of Captain Adams' birthday cake (Erika Eleniak), knocks off the bad guys one-by-one while crawling inside the bowels of the ship.

feedback of the film
In his fifth outing into the genre that made him a star, Steven Seagal reteams with Andrew Davis, the helmer responsible for his film debut. Warners has the right stuff with Under Siege, a slick, old-fashioned formulaic entertainment. Seagal's longtime fans and genre's buffs should enjoy the taut actioner, set entirely on board a battleship, resulting in sustained business at the box-office. High proction values, especially photography and sound, overflow in such abundance that Warners is guaranteed a major hit in a season that lacks competition from similar fare.
Seagal is cast as Casey Ryback, a cook on the USS Missouri, the Navy's largest and most powerful battleship, now reaching the end of a long line of service that began in WWII and concluded with the Gulf War. But en route to decommission, what was meant to be a quite and calm journey, turns out to be volatile and dangerous when two corrupt psychopaths, both top military experts, hijack the ship and steal its nuclear arsenal.
Scripter J.F. Lawton, who penned the successful romantic comedy Pretty Woman, cleverly structures his suspenseful actioner around the three lead characters, all played by accomplished actors. Seagal's rebellious cook is actually a decorated Navy Seal, a combat operative who has seen action in Vietnam, the Middle East, and Panama. But Seagal's true identity is known only to his benevolent commander (Patrick O'Neal) of 20 years, who has arranged a kitchen job for him to complete his tour of ty.
Seagal is contrasted with the lethal and hot-tempered William Strannix (Tommy Lee Jones), a former covert CIA operative, and Commander Krill (Gary Busey), a frustrated officer. Motivated by revenge, both men feel they have “good reasons” to execute their diabolic plot. A fourth character, an attractive actress (Erika Eleniak) hired to perform at the farewell party, is thrown into the all-male adventure; she later functions as Seagal's resourceful mate and quasi-romantic interest.
The broader political context of Under Siege is so superfluous and external to the core action that it becomes something of a set decoration. Indeed, what's missing from the film is an alert intelligence, a sense of contemporary immediacy that would charge the story with greater excitement.
The fun of such predictable item consists of watching exhilarating action set-pieces which the film has plenty of. Moreover, in between battles, blasts, and explosions, scripter Lawton has shrewdly placed funny one-liners, delivered by Seagal in his customary cool, tongue-in-cheek style. Smart dialogue, brisk pacing, and enjoyable acting ultimately save the film from banality.
Scoring another height after his excellent, Oscar-nominated role in JFK, Tommy Lee Jones forcefully portrays a deranged villain; he looks great in a black leather jacket and sun glasses. In a smaller, though no less flashy, part, Gary Busey also renders an excessive performance, though one that enlivens the otherwise simplistic narrative.
Under Siege stays completely within the conventions of the action genre, lacking any thematic turns or twists. And unfortunately, the anticipated climax, a man-to man fight between Seagal and Tommy Lee Jones, is not only long in coming but also too brief and disappointingly staged.
Davis's quick, by-the-numbers style, and Frank Holgate's inventive lensing of the battleship's interior and exterior scenes add to the plot's necessary suspense. Bill Kenney's proction design is so deftly done it sweeps viewers right into the battleship's inner, claustrophobic world. Special kudos should also go to editor Robert A. Ferretti and his crew, for enhancing the thrills with imaginative cutting, and to Gary Chang's bouncy score.

④ 提供些一战,二战,美国内战等为背景题材的英文电影

二战:《钢琴师》(从另一个方面反应战争的)《辛德勒德名单》《拯救大兵瑞恩》《巴顿将军》《风语战士》《兵临城下》《父辈的旗 帜》 《硫磺岛家书》《细细的红线》《大逃亡》《U-571》《遥远的桥》《虎口脱险》《血战阿拉曼》《紫日》


⑤ 有没有以二战(德国的)为背景的英语电影


⑥ 好看的二战题材电影有哪些最好是英语的


⑦ 有哪些比较好的二战题材电影


诺曼底登陆:代号“霸王行动”(英语Operation Overlord),是第二次世界大战中盟军在欧洲西线战场发起的一场大规模攻势。接近三百万士兵渡过英吉利海峡前往法国诺曼底。诺曼底战役是目前为止世界上最大的一次海上登陆作战,使第二次世界大战的战略态势发生了根本性的变化。







⑧ 介绍几部关于二战的外国电影


⑨ 谁帮我推荐几个二战电影和几个比较好的英文电影,最好是有教育意义的。我要几个电影名。


⑩ 求二战经典电影

魂断蓝桥 诺曼底登陆 珍珠港 辛德勒名单 巴顿将军



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