㈠ 现在好看的电影推荐
1、《控方证人》世界影史最伟大的悬疑片,豆瓣9.6这是一部伟大且空前的电影。影片改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂的同名小说,比利怀尔德导演,首先相信所有人对阿加莎·克里斯蒂这个名字都不陌生,作为世界“推理文学三巨头”,阿加莎的名字早就成为了文学史上难以抹去的焦点。影片上映至今已逾六十年,却仍没有一部能超过甚至堪比它的悬疑片出现。纵观世界电影百余年历史,它无疑是迄今为止最伟大的电影之一,它的出现不仅将整个悬疑类型片的档次抬高,更树立了近半世纪悬疑片所通用的模式典范。影评地址:门徒:豆瓣9.6,百年影史上最伟大的悬疑片!<img src="https://pic1.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" data-caption="" data-size="normal" data-rawwidth="696" data-rawheight="511" data-default-watermark-src="https://pic1.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="696" data-original="https://pic4.mg.com/v2-_r.jpg?source=1940ef5c"/>2、《切腹》私以为最能代表日本的旷世作,豆瓣9.3谈电影之前,有必要先了解下导演小林正树。作为日本的电影巨匠,小林正树不仅是与黑泽明、市川昆、木下惠介齐名的“日本影坛四骑士”,更是亚洲最负盛名的导演之一。小林正树最具风采的就是敢于用民族性元素、社会性寓言,对日本的帝国主义、极权制度进行反思性的抨击。同样,这部《切腹》也有关于反极权的剖析,影片借复仇的主题,不仅讲述了时代变革下武士道的幻灭,更大肆批判了极权制度下的草菅人命。影评地址:门徒:豆瓣9.2,为何这部神作在日本不让播?<img src="https://pic3.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" data-caption="" data-size="normal" data-rawwidth="1080" data-rawheight="460" data-default-watermark-src="https://pic3.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="1080" data-original="https://pic3.mg.com/v2-_r.jpg?source=1940ef5c"/>3、《生之欲》黑泽明天皇被低估的现实神作,豆瓣9.1讲述了一个身患绝症市民科科长,临死前结束自己三十年公务员浑浑噩噩“木乃伊”生活,然后选择独自跟迂腐的体制抗衡,只为寻找人生最后意义…感人肺腑发人深省,力荐再力荐!<img src="https://pic4.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" data-caption="" data-size="normal" data-rawwidth="1080" data-rawheight="1346" data-default-watermark-src="https://pic3.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="1080" data-original="https://pic4.mg.com/v2-_r.jpg?source=1940ef5c"/>4、《桃色公寓》六十年前辛辣的荒诞喜剧鼻祖,豆瓣8.7 Baxter(杰克·莱蒙 Jack Lemmon饰)是纽约一个大公司的小职员,他的单身公寓经常被公司的高层们用去当作幽会的场所,Baxter也因此获得不少升迁的机会。Baxter暗恋着公司的电梯女郎Fran Kubelik(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰),这天他终于鼓起勇气约了她晚上一起去看一出戏剧。然而Baxter等了一晚却未见Fran的踪影,原来Fran是公司的高管有妇之夫Jeffery Sheldrake(弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray饰)的地下情人,本片获1960年奥斯卡十项提名,赢得包括最佳导演、最佳影片在内的五项大奖。<img src="https://pic2.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" data-caption="" data-size="normal" data-rawwidth="1080" data-rawheight="810" data-default-watermark-src="https://pic3.mg.com/50/v2-_hd.jpg?source=1940ef5c" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="1080" data-original="https://picb.mg.com/v2-_r.jpg?source=1940ef5c"/>5、《恐惧的代价》可能是影史最牛的悬疑片了,豆瓣8.8无以复加的惊险酣畅颤栗、无以复加的技法节奏剪辑,惊险刺激绝对让人叹为观止。戛纳柏林双最佳实至名归,亨利·乔治·克鲁佐超神了。该片讲述了一家石油公司因大火焚烧油井,急需硝化甘油来灭火,在重赏诱惑下,四个落魄男人冒险运送硝化甘油途中发生的一系列故事…影片在当年斩获金棕榈奖跟金熊奖。影史唯一一个!!!!
㈡ 求一篇用英文写的英文原版电影的观后感
What is genetic engineering, after all, but preemptive plastic surgery? Make the child perfect in the test tube, and save money later. Throw in perfect health, a high IQ and a long life-span, and you have the brave new world of ``Gattaca,'' in which the bioformed have inherited the earth, and babies who are born naturally get to be menial laborers.
This is one of the smartest and most provocative of science fiction films, a thriller with ideas. Its hero is a man who challenges the system. Vincent (Ethan Hawke) was born in the old-fashioned way, and his genetic tests show he has bad eyesight, heart problems and a life expectancy of about 30 years. He is an ``In-Valid,'' and works as a cleaner in a space center.
Vincent does not accept his fate. He never has. As a child, he had swimming contests with his brother Anton (Loren Dean), who has all the right scores but needs to be saved from drowning. Now Vincent dreams of becoming a crew member on an expedition to one of the moons of Saturn. Using an illegal DNA broker, he makes a deal with a man named Jerome (Jude Law), who has the right genes but was paralyzed in an accident. Jerome will provide him with blood, urine samples and an identity. In a sense, they'll both go into space. ``Gattaca'' is the remarkable debut of a writer-director from New Zealand, Andrew Niccol, whose film is intelligent and thrilling--a tricky combination--and also visually exciting. His most important set is a vast office where genetically superior computer programmers come to work every day, filing into their long rows of desks like the office slaves in King Vidor's ``The Crowd'' and Orson Welles' ``The Trial.'' (Why are ``perfect'' human societies so often depicted by ranks of automatons? Is it because human nature resides in our flaws?) Vincent, as ``Jerome,'' gets a job as a programmer, supplies false genetic samples and becomes a finalist for the space shot.
The tension comes in two ways. First, there's the danger that Vincent will be detected; the area is swept daily, and even an eyelash can betray him. Second, there's a murder; a director of the center, who questions the wisdom of the upcoming shot, is found dead, and a detective (Alan Arkin) starts combing the personnel for suspects. Will a computer search sooner or later put together Vincent, the former janitor, with ``Jerome,'' the new programmer? Vincent becomes friendly with Irene (Uma Thurman), who works in the center but has been passed over for a space shot because of low scores in some areas. They are attracted to one another, but romance in this world can be dangerous; after kissing a man, a woman is likely to have his saliva swabbed from her mouth so she can test his prospects. Other supporting characters include Gore Vidal, as a mission supervisor, and Tony Shalhoub as the broker (``You could go anywhere with this guy's helix under your arm'').
Hawke is a good choice for the lead, combining the restless dreams of a ``Godchild'' with the plausible exterior of a lab baby. The best scenes involve his relationship with the real Jerome, played by Law as smart, bitter, and delighted to be sticking it to the system that has grounded him. (He may be paralyzed from the waist down, but after all, as the movie observes, you don't need to walk in space.) His drama parallels Vincent's, because if either one is caught they'll both go down together.
Science fiction in the movies has recently specialized in alien invasions, but the best of the genre deals with ideas. At a time when we read about cloned sheep and tomatoes crossed with fish, the science in ``Gattaca'' is theoretically possible. When parents can order ``perfect'' babies, will they? Would you take your chances on a throw of the genetic dice, or order up the make and model you wanted? How many people are prepared to buy a car at random from the universe of all available cars? That's how many, I suspect, would opt to have natural children.
Everybody will live longer, look better and be healthier in the Gattacan world. But will it be as much fun? Will parents order children who are rebellious, ungainly, eccentric, creative, or a lot smarter than their parents are? There's a concert pianist in ``Gattaca'' who has 12 fingers. Don't you sometimes have the feeling you were born just in time?
㈢ 求一部英文电影的英文观后感
He was born on sea and sent to be the angle of piano. Maybe God thought that he wasn’t that great to keep beside him, so God throw him away, but God gave him a valuable gift that no one could compete — the special feeling about music. And God gave him a father that became the first person who loved him and took care of him. He didn’t have anything, he was nobody, but he knew that there’s always something waiting for him — the ocean. Ocean was his only home and piano was all he got. And he thanked God for giving him the gift, piano. If he ever had a choice between love, money and piano, I believe he will choose piano right away. He abandoned love for piano, he abandoned future for piano, and in the end, he left his life with piano. Which is the thing that even a pianist won’t be able to do. God knew that he is the one who could do this, that’s why he chose 1900 to be his angle of piano.
差不多180个字,应该还比较对口味,希望对你能有帮助~! ^_^
㈣ 我该如何写一篇优秀的影评
㈤ 随便哪个英文电影的英文影评,两三句就好~简单一点的~谢谢哈!!!~~~
Bee movie
That movie is very funny!I want see that again!
I recommend you to watch it!
㈥ 法国《生吃》电影跪求
生吃 RAW (2016)
导演: 朱莉娅·杜可诺
编剧: 朱莉娅·杜可诺
主演: 加朗斯·莫里利尔 / 艾拉·朗夫 / 哈巴·奈·乌飞拉 / 劳伦特·卢卡斯 / 乔安娜·普莱斯 / 更多...
类型: 剧情 / 恐怖
制片国家/地区: 法国 / 意大利 / 比利时
语言: 法语
上映日期: 2016-05-14(戛纳电影节) / 2017-03-15(法国)
片长: 99分钟
又名: 舐血成人礼(港) / 肉狱(台) / Grave / Freaking
㈦ 成长的烦恼 影评
这种情况并不少,我坐在出租车里,我坐在教室或者图书馆,我坐在某家公司里,这首歌突然从电台或者手机里冒出来,于是手中脑中的一切都停下来,然后B.J. Thomas 开始唱:
“show me that smile again
don't waste another minute on your cryin'
we're nowhere near the end
the best is ready to begin……”
1992年第七季《Growing Pains》在ABC电视台落下帷幕,那时Seaver一家的生活已经被移到了周六八点,艾伦锡克(爸爸Jason)说那等于判了我们死刑。最后一集里Seaver医生一家以搬去华盛顿作为剧终,此前科克卡梅隆(Mike)因为狂热的宗教信仰已逼走了这部剧的三位制片人,与整个剧组关系都很僵;而特蕾西戈尔得(Carol)则深陷神经性厌食症被迫暂停演出,最后一集尚是自医院请假回来拍摄。最后一集的时候他们都哭了,他们如一家人一样生活了七年,而吃完搬家的那块匹萨后一切就结束了。
而1992年的时候,这部被上译厂(永远最棒的翻译配音)译为《成长的烦恼》并配音的美国情景喜剧已经登陆千家万户的银屏,对于中国观众,如歌中所唱: The best is ready to begin,最好的才准备开始。
“all in a cloudy daze
i look into your eyes and see them shining out
holding you close this way
is like having summer everyday……”
"as long as we got each other
we got the world spinnin' right in our hands
baby, you and me
we gotta be
the luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin'”
当电视上Mike在游轮上对Jullie求婚时,ABC电视台打出了“See you next fall”. 于是我就会告诉身边的老爸:“你瞧我们多幸运,美国人民为了看下一集得等四个月。他们看完整个《成长的烦恼》得用七年!”这幸运其实有昂贵的代价。如果《成长的烦恼》是我们的挚交好友,美国人有七年的时间去经历他的生死,而我们只有一个半月。一个月前Mike还在调皮捣蛋,Carol还在为体重心烦意乱,Ben还是一个小南瓜;一个月后,Mike剪了头发当了人民教师,Carol心烦的事情成了大学生活,而Ben早已经高出哥哥一截。连眨眼的功夫都没有,他们就一集接着一集地长大了。一切都指向那个我们了熟于胸的终点。无论我们愿不愿意接受,同演员紧紧捆绑在一起的美剧无法成为彼得潘居住的Neverland,至少无法永远是。
所以现在再看成长的烦恼我一般会停在Boner离开的那集。就像称砣一样,Boner这个最重分量的喜剧角色走后,快乐的比重一点一点地降了下来,也许没降,只是无法再那么无忧无虑。我终究还是得quit dreaming,因为太多次的经验告诉我,无论第几次看到他们移去全家福后露出刻有“Mike Seaver was here”的那块墙砖时,我都得哗啦啦地流眼泪。
“as long as we keep on givin'
we can take anything that comes our way
baby, rain or shine
all the time
we got each other
sharin' the laughter and love”
2004年的时候乔安娜(妈妈Maggie)作为导演拍摄了关于成长的烦恼的纪录片,片中一家人围坐在草坪上一人一句地唱着《As long as we got each other》,合唱副歌,在变调的时候艾伦还提醒大家“这里key变喽”。
科克说:我从没说过这个,但最开始的时候,我有些喜欢你。(特蕾西说:You are so sweet!)但太奇怪了不是吗?Mike date Carol.
㈧ 法国电影RAW(生吃)
导 演
Julia Ducournau
编 剧
Julia Ducournau
类 型
剧情 / 惊悚 / 恐怖
主 演
片 长
2016-05-14(戛纳电影节) / 2017-03-15(法国)
㈨ 有关法国电影《放牛班的春天》里的演员
法文名:Gérard Jugnot
星座: 金牛座
尽管几人齐心协力苦心经营,但最开始的几年一直平淡无奇,直到1978年,杰拉尔和同伴一起出演了由他们的戏剧改编的电影《Les Bronzés》,影片取得巨大成功,也为几人的表演历程开启了全新的篇章。外貌平常并秃顶的杰拉尔开始频频出演电影,1987年,他凭《Tandem》中的精彩表演获得第一次恺撒奖最佳男演员提名,随后以《Une époque formidable……》、《Marthe》和《放牛班的春天》再获3次恺撒奖提名,其中最成功的《放牛班的春天》成为法国电影近年少有的老少皆宜的作品,吸引了法国本土850万观众的青睐,评论界给予了杰拉尔前所未有的赞誉。除了表演,杰拉尔还是异常活跃的编剧和导演,才华横溢的他最近还开始尝试制片工作。
1984年凭借影片《警察皮诺》(Pinot Simple Flic)而名声大燥,成为法兰西最知名的“警察”演员。在法国本土,具有非常强的票房号召力。2004年7月14日,法国总统雅克-希拉克授予其“荣誉骑士”称号。
热拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot作品列表:(一共 70 个作品)
作为导演热拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot的作品 (数量:7)
Pinot simple flic
Une époque formidable...
Casque bleu
Fallait pas!...
Meilleur espoir féminin
Monsieur Batignole
作为演员 热拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot的作品 (数量:52)
Que la fête commence...
远行他方 Valseuses, Les
法官与杀人犯 Juge et l'assassin, Le
致命的女性 Calmos
大活宝展奇才 Jouet, Le
怪房客 Locataire, Le
克莱因先生 Monsieur Klein
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
Septième compagnie au clair de lune, La
Bronzés, Les
Bronzés font ski, Les
Dracula père et fils
Coup parapluie, Le
Pour 100 briques t'as plus rien...
Père Noël est une orre, Le
Papy fait de la résistance
恋情 Just the Way You Are
Pinot simple flic
Rois gag, Les
穿梭时空大逃亡 Mille et une nuits, Les
Secrets professionels Dr. Apfelglück, Les
Une époque formidable...
Casque bleu
累得要命 Grosse fatigue
Fallait pas!...
Fantôme avec chauffeur
An 01, L'
逃逃碰着黑 Trafic d'influence
Meilleur espoir féminin
Oui, mais...
袭击行动 Raid, Le
唱诗班男孩/歌声伴我心/放牛班的春天 Choristes, Les
Clefs de bagnole, Les
Enfoirés dans l'espace, Les
Trois petites filles
Profession: acteur
Bronzés, le père Noël, papy et les autres, Les
Compositeurs/réalisateurs, dialogue impossible?
Monsieur Batignole: le making of
Un jour dans la vie cinéma français
Monsieur Batignole
2001 - l'odyssée des enfoirés
Ami jardin, L'
Au n... Mari!
神奇的旋转木马 The Magic Roundabout
Il ne faut jurer... de rien!
Brigades tigre, Les
Bronzés amis pour la vie, Les
Un printemps à Paris
作为编剧热拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot的作品 (数量:9)
Bronzés font ski, Les
Père Noël est une orre, Le
Pinot simple flic
Une époque formidable...
Casque bleu
Fallait pas!...
Meilleur espoir féminin
Monsieur Batignole
Bronzés amis pour la vie, Les
作为制片人热拉尔·朱诺 Gérard Jugnot的作品 (数量:2)
Monsieur Batignole