Ⅰ 二战题材的黑白影片,谁知道名字
Ⅱ 找一部黑白色的二战电影
Ⅲ 国外黑白二战电影,长约3小时,80年代上映。四字名 惊险,有雪山,索道,机场场景展示。望赐上片名!
Ⅳ 求 关于二战时期的欧美黑白电影
《战云》大兵乔的故事、百战英雄、需要的话请去战火影视论坛 那是一个二战影视专题下载论坛
Ⅳ 急求几部美国二战电影 几部美国恐怖片
1. 《甘地传》2D9(Gandhi,英国、印度,1982,风云人物传记经典史诗大片)
2. 《温莎备忘录》D9(The Windsor Protocol,英国、加拿大,1996-1998,战后间谍题材上下集电视电影大片,下集又名《喋血悍将》)
3. 《与墨索里尼喝茶》D9(Tea with Mussolini,英国、意大利,1999,战争女性题材经典轻喜剧)
4. 《纳粹军妓血泪史》D9(SS Lejr 5,意大利,1977,战争情色题材)
5. 《老人与小孩》D9(The Two of Us,法国,1967,战争少儿与犹太人题材经典黑白片)
6. 《非关命运》D9(Fateless,匈牙利、德国、英国,2005,战争少儿与犹太人题材经典)
7. 《分裂》D9(Partition,英国,1987,战后政治题材)
8. 《战后残酷物语》D9(Sengo Zankoku Monogatari,日本,1968,战后情色题材)
9. 《远方的声音仍在回响》D9(Distant Voices, Still Lives,英国,1988,战后小人物题材经典)
10. 《摩登公子》D9(Modern Boy,韩国,2008,战争爱情题材经典)
11. 《五墓行动》D9(Les 5 Secrets Désert,美国,1943,早期二战间谍题材经典)
12. 《战时冬天》D9(Oorlogswinter,荷兰、比利时,2008,战争少儿题材经典)
13. 《安全通行证》D9(Laissez-passer,西班牙、法国、德国,2002,战争政治与道德题材经典)
14. 《无情战地有情天》D9+D5(A Time to Love and a Time to Die,美国,1958,战争爱情题材经典)
15. 《艾希曼》D9(Eichmann,匈牙利、英国,2007,战犯题材传记经典)
16. 《柏林的女人》D9(Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin,德国、波兰,2008,战争女性题材经典)
17. 《流浪艺人》D9(Ο Θίασος,希腊,1975,战争政治与社会题材经典史诗大片,安哲罗普洛斯希腊现代史三部曲其一)
18. 《死囚越狱》D9(A Man Escaped,法国,1956,战争政治犯与监狱题材经典,布烈松代表作)
19. 《生命国界》D9【Va, Vis et Deviens,法国、比利时、以色列、意大利,2005,二战犹太人题材经典喜剧《生命列车》(Train de vie,德国,1998)续篇】
20. 《青春之门:筑丰篇》2D9("Seishun no mon: Chikuhô hen",日本,2005,战争社会与伦理题材上下集电视电影经典大片,根据五木宽之小说改编)
21. 《南太平洋》2D9(South Pacific,美国,1958,战争爱情题材歌舞剧电视电影经典大片)(该影片在下原收D5坏死)
22. 《海》D9(El mar,血之魂,西班牙,2000,西班牙内战战后同志题材经典)
23. 《神偷·猎人·断指客》D9(The Good, the Bad and the Weird,韩国,2008,西部题材闹剧,疑似二战背景,不过经初步查索多数还是要落空)
24. 《他们也在战斗》国内正版盒装D5【Beni I Vogel(该外文片名疑张冠李戴),阿尔巴尼亚,1961,1962-中国,战争少儿题材经典】
25. 《山姑娘》国内正版盒装D5【Kenga e Naftes(该外文片名疑张冠李戴),阿尔巴尼亚,1974,1976-中国,战后女性题材舞剧经典】
26. 《战时情侣》国内正版盒装D5(De Guerre Lasse,法国,1987,战争爱情题材经典,根据萨冈小说改编)
27. 《青年近卫军》国内正版盒装2D5(Young Guard,苏联,1948,苏联卫国战争青春题材永恒经典,根据法捷耶夫小说改编)
28. 《将军与孤女》国内正版D5(The General and the Orphans,中国,1984,反战与少儿题材)
Ⅵ 找一部欧美恐怖电影,有关二战的
Ⅶ 找一部二战电影,内容是二战末期德军宪兵队四处猎杀逃兵,画面是黑白的用来营造阴暗气氛,这片叫什么
Ⅷ 介绍下二战背景的经典影片(英文)
England in June 1944. Unseasonal storms. Allied troops are massed ready for the invasion of France, some already on the boats. The Normandy beaches will be their destination while paratroopers are dropped inland to take key towns and bridges. On the other side of the Channel the Germans still expect the invasion at Calais, and anyway the weather makes them think nothing is likely to be imminent. Eisenhower decides to go. Hitler sleeps on.
The path to war in December 1941 is retold from the appointment of Isoroku Yamamoto to command the Imperial Japanese Navy on through the execution of his most ambitious and audacious plan - an attack by carrier aircraft on the US Navy station at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. As the Japanese First Air Fleet sorties to Hawaii, diplomatic efforts by both nations continue, but intercepts of Japanese diplomatic messages show Japan is practicing deception and planning aggression - but there is no clue as to where Japan will strike.
The summer of 1942 brought Naval stalemate to the Pacific as the American and Japanese fleets stood at even numbers each waiting for the other to begin a renewed offensive. "Midway" tells the story of this historic June battle where a Japanese carrier force, in an attempt to occupy Midway island and lure the American fleet to destruction, was meet valiently by US forces operating off of three aircraft carriers and numerous escort ships. It was the first battle in which naval air power was extensivly used, and at its conclusion the Japanese Carrier force had been completly destroyed which lead the way for the US 1943 and 44 offensives which would eventually bring the Pacific War to a close.
It is 1940, and the diabolical mind of Adolf Hitler is planning to bomb England into submission to his warped dreams of a 'Fortress Europe'. Standing between Britain's freedom & Hitler's terrifying plans is the R.A.F - dedicated pilots who took to the skies again & again in the face of overwhelming odds. The German Luftwaffe's planes outnumber the R.A.F's by more than 2 to 1 - 650 planes of the R.A.F. vs. 2,500 of the Luftwaffe! These odds. however, do not deplete the determination of the R.A.F. to stop Hitler, and as the Luftwaffe launches wave after wave of Heinkel 111 bombers against British cities, the R.A.F. responds, under the leadership of Air Vice Marshal Park (Howard) and Squadron Leaders Canfield (Caine) and Harvey (Plummer) who lead the newest pilots of the R.A.F. into confrontation after confrontation with the Luftwaffe's experienced veterans, with the aim of driving Hitler's forces away from Dover's white cliffs for good...
Ⅸ 德国二战黑白电影
Ⅹ 求一根据二战改编的黑白老电影(英国情节),关于人性道德的故事。